Hi, I’m Laura

I’m an interdisciplinary geoscience student with a passion for geology, geography, and GIS. With a strong foundation in fieldwork and technical skill development, I’m dedicated to exploring Earth’s systems and applying geospatial analysis to tackle real-world environmental challenges. As a non-traditional student, I bring a unique perspective shaped by a love of travel, adventure, and discovery. Join me on my journey as I learn, explore, and share insights about this incredible rock we all call home: Earth!

Off the Map: Fun Facts About me

  • My hair is a bit of a chameleon—people are always asking, “What color is it now?”

  • I can teach you how to flip upside down with ease—I’m a certified Suspended and Vinyasa Yoga instructor.

  • Meet my dog, Indiana Jones (pictured on the right). She’s not one for adventures, but she’s the best study buddy a geoscience nerd could ask for!

  • When I’m not mapping the world or hitting the trails, you’ll find me stitching away on embroidery and cross-stitch projects.